
Made in Dalarna, Sweden

In these days when more and more companies are moving their production towards Europe, we can be proud that our products always have been manufactured in Sweden and it has always been important for us to make sure our products make the least possible impact on the environment. By using local suppliers and partners, we can shorten deliveries to our factory.

Our products are developed, corrosion treated as well as assembled in our own factory in Vansbro and when ever possible, we are working with local suppliers. Creating a product that truly is Made in Sweden. Creating job opportunities here in Vansbro and other places in Sweden is part of our sustainable strategy. Working sustainably both for the environment and from an economic and social perspective is of great importance to us.


To keep up with the ever-changing health care and medicine field, making sure our products fills the needs our customers might have, we are participating in and running various research collaborations and studies within medical and sports medicine. Working closely with some of Sweden's largest research facilities, we get important feedback for our product development. Meanwhile we are developing our factory and office facilities so that we as a company make the least possible impact on our environment. Making our customers shine with products and knowledge to make their everyday work easier.

With a conscious production chain in our own factory and products made in Sweden, using local suppliers whenever possible, we want to continue to, in a sustainable way, contribute to a more active society with our products. We will continue to contribute to a more active society and we also ensure that our factory is updated to be more energy efficient, where we make changes at all levels and have recently updated the factory with new energy-efficient LED lights.

An ongoing task, where we try to make updates to our own facilities as new and improved sustainable alternatives is available on the market. This is all something we do and make part of our daily life, so that we can continue to be proud of the fact that we have top-class, sustainable production.

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We take pride in our quality control, and for us that is everything from our products to the customer service we provide - we are working to maintain high quality throughout the whole chain. From when our products are being manufactured to maintenance of the products after being used, for a longer lifespan and a circular economic.

Our products must go through a product development process to ensure a safe product, the product doesn't stop developing when it is finished, we constantly improve our products, during the journey.