Qualisys Sports Performance is involved in a project with 65 cyclist together with Elitrehab and supported by Monark Exercise. The purpose is to investigate injury prevention for cyclists and triathletes using a Cycling Analysis system.
Purpose and background of the study: All participants undergo a test battery with mobility measurement and motion analysis to investigate risk factors for knee pain among male cyclists and triathlets.
At 80 rpm, a cyclist has approximately 5,000 pedal revolutions / h and the least fault position, whether biomechanical or related to equipment can lead to pain and reduced ability. Front knee pain is the most common injury to cyclists and triathlets, but there is no scientific research on cycle-specific tests and analyzes that can detect different risk factors. The study aims to increase the knowledge about risk factors for knee pain and to develope methods of injury prevention.
Qualisys is a leading provider of precision motion capture and 3D positioning tracking systems for engineering, biomechanics, animation, virtual reality, robotics, and movement sciences. Indoor, outdoor, ground-to-air or underwater